thoughts of !ReeN

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hye there...i'm ireen a.k.a Erin among my friends..ya'll can address me with any name mentioned coz both referred to me...haha..let's make it simple..Political Science's graduate, i'm a daughter to my parents and an eldest sister of 5 siblings...happy go lucky, talkative sometimes..hey know me than u know how suffer u'll be..very manja???'s fact..wait, unpredictable and have something in mind..huhu...well try to be one of mine then u judge me k.. till then... XOXO

if you said Malaysia what will come across in your mind?? there's 2 phrase.. Malay and asia = Malaysia.. but as i heard in the radio..let me be clear first, i'm not racist! ok, get back to the topic, our PM launched the 1 Malaysia programme as his agenda, im totally cool with it because we are living in the same land, breath the same air and sing the same song.. but, as a malay, i see..we are a bit neglected and behind. is there anyone who sees this?? i turn of the radio and everyone is mentioning 1 Malaysia but malay is mentioned at the last statement, as we are the minority among the races. MAlaysia?? our race is mentioned the our country's name but it seems like we do not own the country.. 2 other races is mentioned first before us, what is that? the Malays are the one who is fighting for the land but other people are getting the name. Im sorry, but seems sad when the Djs are focusing the other races better than us.. the C, the I then us... what is wrong with the Malays nowadays? wake up guys!! this is our land, our forces are fighting till death for getting the independence form the colonialism but we seems sit down and relax while other people are getting profit from our land. like i said, im not racist, just sad with the Malays community who is sit back doing nothing and getting subsidize from the government. Eventhough we are getting special attention as Bumiputra but still we should lead to a better life. As a mixed blood person, im sad but hey, it is your call to think whether you want a better life or just sit back and be the same person with the same life. think about the future, children and family. They need attention to guys... Am i sound politics?? OMG...sorry guys..emotional, imbalance hormone.. hahaha.. till then



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my beloved BFF!

my beloved BFF!
who always support me no matter what!

