hello readers...
just a quick update..
yesterday, i was happened to meet an accident... i dunno where the hell her brains go because of nothing major i was this closed to met an accident... to say her because it happened in female hostel area.. so, without thinking further u guys will persume it is a lady who drove the car aite?? i mean what is my fault till she has a guts to drove the car like hell?? i wanted to cross the road while she ran into her car, start the engine, jot up the lights then straightaway press the fuel peddle... what were u thinking babe??? you can just wait till the barrier is open widely or wait for the fuel run for a few minutes but where do u put your bladdy brain??? cant u see me about to cross the road, i was there infront your car when u ran into your car and ignite the engine... even i know you very well but i wouldnt do that... hey, i dont have even as small as an ant to sit in your car or get a ride.. u shouldnt just rush and about to bang me... luckily i was alert.. if u cant see, it is impossible, i was walking with the lights are on and u wearing your spectacles... are u blind or what??? ow well, may u rest in peace for what u had done to me... you are not my friend cz since u starting to have a beef, i dun have any intention towards you....
till then...
thoughts of !ReeN
- ireenrazali
- hye there...i'm ireen a.k.a Erin among my friends..ya'll can address me with any name mentioned coz both referred to me...haha..let's make it simple..Political Science's graduate, i'm a daughter to my parents and an eldest sister of 5 siblings...happy go lucky, talkative sometimes..hey know me than u know how suffer u'll be..very manja???..haha..it's fact..wait, unpredictable and have something in mind..huhu...well try to be one of mine then u judge me k.. till then... XOXO
wow! wat a psyco..