Hurm... Hey readers, should I delete the previous stories abt the sluts???needa ur comment so I'll consider to delete it or not.. As u can see, it's my so cAlled private life.. Which I don't mind cz the sluts who start first the war against me... Huhu!!! Leave ur comment ya!
thoughts of !ReeN
- ireenrazali
- hye there...i'm ireen a.k.a Erin among my friends..ya'll can address me with any name mentioned coz both referred to me...haha..let's make it simple..Political Science's graduate, i'm a daughter to my parents and an eldest sister of 5 siblings...happy go lucky, talkative sometimes..hey know me than u know how suffer u'll be..very manja???'s fact..wait, unpredictable and have something in mind..huhu...well try to be one of mine then u judge me k.. till then... XOXO