Hye.. We meet again...
Yesterday 26/2/10-Friday
I got replacement place as I mentioned.. After the class.. I went back to my room.. While waiting for my sayang.. I melayari lah Internet and as usual.. Mesti lah facebook kan.. Haha.. Then pop out MSG.. From my adopted siblings.. Erin jom niyang rapik.. I was like.. Jommmmm!!! Then chit-chat till my phone rang... MSG from my syg.. I dah sampai..syg I ni suka lambat.. So, I ckp ok..then, I turun lah.. Tup tup.. WTA 998... arghhhhh!!! Lexus 350.. Haha.. Latest lexus.. He was smiling macam kambing.. Haha..at last, I got a chance to ride the lexus.. After that we go have our lunch, after lunch we head to e@curve for movie with my adopted siblings..
Some pict after movie..

Nana, Sasya and me

The guys
Habis je wayang.. Karaoke time.. Wohoo~.. sgt seronok hang out ramai2... At the karaoke.. My syg received MSG from his boss saying that they are going to rum jungle..My syg said lets go.. ;)
At rum jungle; when I reached there.. My nephew, his gf and friend are waiting..then we go in to look forward his boss.. There he is with a bunch of people.. There are 2 fatty ladies who are interested in my sayang.. They look at me mcam sial!! Nak jadikan cerita... I was talking to my sayang then that fat lady wanna pass tru me from behind.. If u nak lalu at least tap my shoulder or anything but that fucking lady poke me with her nail at my back..Babi!! Sakit ok.. Hello!! My sayang x layan dia she lepas geram to me lak.. I'm holding hands with my syg then dia sengaja je lalu in between us.. Eh, nak je sepak kan.. But, Padan muka dia cz she's fucking drunk or buat2 I dunno then got this one Negro hugs her..yuck ok!! Haha.. Bongok!! On top of that, one of his boss friend invited minah2 kampung dangdut yg tak sedar diri.. They also tergedik2 at my sayang.. One of them boleh tanya.." Eh syafiq nI ke gf kau??" it caught my ears.. What will u feel if someone say that to your bf?? Sounds like me not deserve him.. Hello!! We are about 6 years together.. If bf aku x layan.. X payah lah nk tanya such thing.. Bodoh lah budak2 baru nak kenal dunia ni.. Isk!! Bengang.. We quarreled time nak balik tu.. But nothing major..when someone is tipsy let them talk don't trigger them.. I tak banyak lawan balik like I used to.. Then everything got back to normal.. Cz I was touch when he mentioned that..Sounds like this...
"baby, u taw x? Everytime I keluar.. I always think of u.. No matter what I did.. Eventhough I layan borak with other girl but I always say to myself that.. I've a gf at home who known me for along time and accept me for who I am and what I got..gf I lagi cantik Dari perempuan2 at club so why shud I nak dgn diaorg?? I love u alone" yeah.. I was silent and then he coaxed me... I love him so much..
Till then.. Xoxo
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